1. Name
Campaign against Euro-federalism
2. Aims and objects
These are given in a separate Statement of Aims
3. Methods
The Campaign against Euro-federalism seeks to promote the aims and objects contained in the Statement of Aims by:-
a. winning support for them in the organised working class and democratic movement in Britain;
b. supporting the principle of self determination of nations on a world scale,
c. publishing or distributing or otherwise making known, literature explaining the aims objects and methods;
d. and co-operation with other organisations in matters of common concern and affiliating to or accepting affiliation from appropriate bodies as may be decided.
4. Party politics
a The Campaign against Euro-Federalism is an independent, non party, non sectarian, non racist organisation.
b. The Campaign shall not affiliate to any political party.
5. Membership
a. Ordinary members. Ordinary membership is open to all bona-fide supporters of the aims, objects and methods of the Campaign without racial, national, religious or party-political distinction.
b. Affiliate members. Organisations may affiliate to the Campaign subject to ratification of the executive committee, providing they accept the aims and objects of the Campaign without racial, religious or party-political distinction.
6. Organisation
a. Control of the Campaign is vested in ordinary members and affiliates through an annual general meeting.
b. Affiliated organisations may send two delegates to the AGM.
c. Voting at the AGM is restricted to ordinary members and delegates of affiliated organisations.
d. The AGM will elect an executive committee of not less than 12 members which should meet not less than four times in its year of office, and is responsible for the affairs of the Campaign between AGMs. Only members of three months standing are eligible to the Executive Committee except by unanimous vote of the AGM.
e. The Executive Committee elects the principle officers from among its members, and may delegate its functions to such officers and sub-committees as may be decided.
f. The Executive Committee may co-opt members to fill the places of those unable to continue to serve. The Executive Committee may also co-opt members where it is decided that such members have a useful role to play in the work of the Campaign. Sub-committees may co-opt such additional members as are necessary to the conduct of their work and subject to the general control of the Executive Committee.
h. The Executive Committee will form Campaign Groups where there are sufficient members. These Campaign Groups may determine their own standing orders subject to the rulings of the organisation as a whole.
7. Finance and subscriptions
a. Ordinary membership subscriptions shall be £10 per annum, £5 for those unwaged and partners may have joint membership for £7 per annum.
b. Affiliated organisations will be asked for a minimum of £10 per annum.
Note: ordinary members will receive a copy of each issue of the Democrat and affiliates receive two copies through the post.
c. The accounts of the Campaign shall be audited annually.
8. Discipline
a. In the event of any member, group or collection of members acting in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Campaign, or in such a manner as to bring it into public discredit, the Executive Committee may intervene and has the power after due enquiry to suspend or expel members.
b. Members, groups or collections of members suspended or expelled have the right to appeal to the following AGM, provided they give notice within one week of expulsion or suspension, or two months prior to the AGM.
9. Changes to rules
a. The above rules many be altered by a two thirds majority vote of any AGM or a special General Meeting which may be called for the purpose.
b. The interpretation of these rules and the making of arrangements for matters not specifically laid down in them, is the responsibility of the Executive Committee.