Campaign against Euro-federalism                             twitter      facebook
For independence, democracy, peace and jobs, and against the European Constitution and racism

If you agree with our position on the EU you are invited to join our Campaign.

A list of material on the website can be found at Site contents above. These are listed in reverse chronological order.

Comments on the website and the material are welcome.

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CAEF Statement on death of
Venezualan President - Hugo Chavez

Dear Ambasador of Venezuala

We would like to express our sorrow at the loss of Hugo Chavez who was an advocate and activist for the right to self-determination of nation-states. He was a man of great courage and on the side of those who toiled and wished to live with dignity.

His example of leadeship will continue to act as a beacon throughout Latin America and the wider world.

With condolences to all concerned.

John Boyd

Secretary - on behalf of Campaign against Euro-fedralism

[8 March 2013]

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Dear John,

Thank you very much for your kind message.

During this difficult time for us as Venezuelans, your words were greatly appreciated.
In spite of Chavez's absence, we will always carry with us his example, perhaps the most important of which was his true dedication and constant perseverance to realise his dreams of independence, sovereignty, justice and solidarity.

Thanks again for your support.

Samuel Moncada


[8 March 2013]