Democrat September-October 2012 (Number 131)
Labour movement action against austerity
General strikes called across Spain, Portugal and Greece on 14 November

Spain's main trade unions on 19 October called a general strike for November 14. This will coincide with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece They are to protest against government-imposed austerity measures and attacks on labour reforms.
The general strike called by the Workers' Commissions and General Workers' unions will be the second in Spain this year. A partially successful stoppage was held on March 29.
Strike breaking bus halted in Spain during general strike on 29 March 2012 - Note the passive use of stickers
A spokesman for the Workers' Commissions said it would be the first ever joint general strike in Iberian neighbours Spain and Portugal. The General Workers' Union in a statement said the strike had been called to press for a change in government policy because "cuts are strangling the economy and dismantling our social model".