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Pamphlet published by Democrat Press

Social Europe is a Con

Includes a response to joint EU-TUC pamphlet -
"Single Market Equal Rights"

An exposure of what the 'social partnership' and Social Europe are really about is clearly explained in a collection of articles and essays. This pamphlet is essential reading for all those who work for their living especially trade unionists and trade unions. This pamphlet is an answer to the claims made in the European Commission/TUC pamphlet Single Market Equal Rights.

This pamphlet covers the period through the Single European Act signed by the Thatcher government and the start of Social Europe, the Maastricht Treaty and European Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) ratified by the Blair-Brown government without a referendum.

The implications for trade unions arising from these treaties include EU Directives and legislation, EU Court rulings on the right to strike, collective bargaining and attacks on other hard won trade union rights.

The current Con-Dem government's austerity policies are common across the EU and part of a wholesale attack on pensions, wages, conditions and trade unions.

EU 'Free Trade Agreements', or Mode 4, are one of the latest threats to wages and conditions through the use of social dumping. On top of that is Monti II which is a new EU regulation to slap more limits on the right to strike.

A Time Line provides a concise overview of the various stages and steps in setting up Social Europe from the 1956 Rome Treaty to today.

Pamphlet is available from Democrat Press, PO Box 46295, London W5 2UG
£2.50 each post free OR £1.60 each for five or more copies.

Click here for a review of the pamphlet

The full text is available here in pdf format