CAEF AGM 2014 Resolution
EU/US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
This AGM notes with alarm the proposed EU/US Transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) being negotiated by the EU Commission on behalf of member states which is due to be completed by December 2014. This will give companies the right to sue Governments over regulations that they don't like under "investor-state dispute settlement" (ISDS) rules, outside of and above the courts systems and Parliaments of member states.
For example, as the British TUC has pointed out, under a different trade agreement, the waste company Veolia is suing the Egyptian Government for increasing the minimum wage.
This AGM notes that the focus of the negotiations is on removing regulations and that the scope of the negotiations includes labour laws, food content, environmental standards and protections, working conditions, and in particular, state-provided health and education services. These negotiations are a direct threat to existing standards, union collective bargaining, a cover for privatisation on a massive scale and a threat to democracy. They constitute a programme for a corporate takeover and the EU Commission is a central part of the process, as intended.
This AGM does not believe the claims made that such an agreement will boost jobs and economic growth, in the light of the fact that eg the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has led to 680,000 job losses in the USA rather than the 200,000 extra promised by the former President Clinton.
In view of the threats posed by the proposed EU/US TTIP, this AGM calls upon all labour and progressive organisations to oppose and campaign against the complete agreement.
This is published as a leaflet and a pdf file can be downloaded. (Click here)See YouTube with Linda Kaucher explaining TTIP
CAEF Public meeting in Birmingham - 'STOP TTIP'
'Base Britain's economy on manufacturing'.Friday 27 June 7-9pm, Comfort Inn, Station Street, Birmingham - Alongside New Street Station