Democrat May 2002 Editorial (Number 62)
Campaign against EURO now

Recent meetings have made clear that rank and file
members of several organisations are ready to campaign against the
EURO now. This was confirmed by two recent CAEF meetings, reported
overleaf, and a key resolution adopted at the AGM of the Campaign
for an Independent Britain. Prior to this there had been discussions
at the Congress of Democracy attended by a broad range of organisations.
The consensus is that we are past the time of talking,
hesitating about what should be done or waiting like Mr Macawber for
something to turn up. In association with others, CAEF has taken the
initiative and set the ball rolling. The current action being taken
is to set up ad hoc committees in as many different and varied centres
as possible. When practical it will be necessary to hold a national
meeting to formalise details including an overall name for this single
issue campaign.
Without a full and open debate over economic and democratic
implications of the single currency., the labour and trade union movement
remains in a confused state. On one hand UNISON, with a long held
policy opposing the EURO, has produced a brochure - pictured on our
cover. On the other hand GMB, led by John Edmonds, has called on Tony
Blair to show political courage by calling a referendum. Without any
mandate from Congress, TUC officials are speaking in favour of the
single currency. The labour movement remains crucial to the referendum.
The subject of economics is dry, uninteresting and
apparently remote from the lives of most people. The same goes for
most of the diverse forms of democracy. Currently many feel powerless
to influence and remote from those taking decisions over our lives.
They have forgotten that to act together rather than as individuals,
is the way to influence the decision makers, including governments.
This is why an infrastructure for a No Euro single issue campaign
is imperative. Organisations should address their own constituencies
where mutual respect of each others principles is important.
Make no mistake, the Britain in Europe campaign and
the Government, for all its alleged ambivalence and so called tests,
have stepped up a gear and will use all means including stealth to
persuade the majority currently opposed to the single currency to
change their minds. Britain in Europe with the Government obviously
have piles of money and acres of newsprint at their disposal.
If we on the No side work hard enough the Government
will dare not call a referendum.
If you or your organisation would like to take part
in the No Euro campaign get in touch in the first instance with CAEF.