Democrat July-August 2013 (Number 136)
Song No.6
No nay never to 'Europe'

Tune : "The Wild Rover" Words by Tony Grace
Free movement of labour is hailed as a boon
except by those workers who'll lose their jobs soon
So it's no nay never, never no more
shall we vote "yes" for 'Europe'
nay never no more
Betrayed by our leaders to the Federal State
we were given no chance of a real debate
So people of 'Europe' please don't hesitate
to shout a loud no! to the Super State
nay never no more
They say we need 'Europe' to market our wares
yet we've traded the world for a thousand years

chorus :
So it's no nay never, never no more
do we care for the euro
nay never no more
They used public money to bail out the banks
Then cut our health service with no word of thanks
So it's no nay never, never no more
shall we hail eurobankers
nay never no more
ESM, ECB and fiscal policy
such terms cloak the drive towards austerity
So it's no nay never, never no more
shall we ever agree to eurocracy
nay never no more