CAEF AGM 2014 - Resolution
The economy, manufacturing, jobs and trade unions
Currently Britain's economy has been and is distorted by reliance on the financial and banking sector which contributed to the economic crisis and is used as the basis for austerity policies which stem from EU membership and the Single European Market. The single market requires the free movement of capital, goods, services and labour. Since the Second World War and especially during membership of the Common Market, Britain has been all but de-industrialised with the loss of millions of jobs. The unemployment rate is 7.2% with a million young people, 18-24 year olds, out of work. Previous rates include 1% in 1955 and 3.4% in 1973 the year Britain joined the Common market.
This AGM believes that instead of the domination by the finance sector, single market and neo-liberal policies the economy of Britain must be based on manufacturing, world trade and rational policies. If this is not carried out then mass unemployment will continue and become permanent. This requires:
• The age of retirement must be returned to 65 for men and 60 for women to provide job opportunities for young people.
• An end to zero hour contracts which are used to undermine wages and conditions, especially for young people.
• Using taxation and other incentives to promote investment in manufacturing, apprenticeships, free further and higher education.
• An end to austerity policies which shift wealth from working people to millionaires, bonuses and profits and impoverish large sections of the peoples of Britain.
• An end and reversal of privatisation which is an attack on the public sector, NHS, education and essential services including transport.
• Trade with developing and other countries which must be based on mutually agreed equal terms.
• Adopting the above measures requires that controls be imposed on the movement of capital, goods, services and labour which means that Britain, to regain these controls, must quit the EU and the Single European Market.