Democrat May-June 2013 (Number 135)
All in a Jam

Jam jars to jam
In the September/October issue of the Democrat, mention was made with regard to an EU ruling connected with jam jars not being allowed to be re-used. Now we have come across an EU ruling connected with jam.*
It seems that under EU rules a pot of jam cannot be called jam unless it has 60% of sugar or more. If a jar has 51 % to 59% of sugar then it must be called fruit spread. If it has less than 50% it can be called "reduced sugar jam." Vince Cable says he will sort it out and also says: "This is exactly the sort of ridiculous red tape that we want to do away with."
Such inconsequential nonsense (along with all the other) makes one wonder just what goes on in the Brussels bureaucracy and when are we going to kick the whole shooting match into touch?
*This came about because the EU brought out a Directive that they will not allow the re-using of Jam Jars. (Glass containers!) *EC Regulations 1935/2004 and 2023/2006
Question: If once sovereign National Governments have to be told by the European Union they cannot re-use jam jars, what on earth is the point of electing any National MP or Government? More to the point, why are we still contributing to their pay and vast expenses?
Jam-Jarred to Death. 9.10.2012
Who was the one that fell victim?
Was the 'killer' a re-used jam jar?
Was the jam on the whole-meal toast?
Or did the EU stop it, getting that far?
There's a serial raspberry killer
On the loose in the new village hall,
With Aunt Mary's home-made lemon curd
And together they're having a ball!
Both Jam Jars are jigging and jiving
They are still on the loose, for now,
They know they are tasty and 'fruity'
And no-where near, 'taking a bow'.
Has our Government been a little bit lax?
With some home-made Chutney's at fetes?
Where once stood tall on stalls so proud,
Yet 'tis a sad tale that I now relate.
Even Grannies Tomato Chutney
That took the first prize over all,
Is banned, for she can never afford
To buy all new jars with labels on-all.
So much of her time planning and scheming
For the Garden Fete each New Year,
It gave her some-where to go to
Yet, sadly, she wipes away her tears.
All because those we once trusted,
Gave 'authority' to those in the EU,
They didn't care one little bit,
Of the hurt to the old, to me and YOU.
*All for a pot of JAM, Fruit Spread or is it Reduced-Sugar Jam*
*'Nough to say they are ALL IN A JAM! July 2013.*
*All in a JAM!*
Ah! our EU has decreed once more,
For new EU Regulations has come to be.
JAM must contain Sugar at least of 60%
For it to be called *real* "Jam" YOU SEE.
Oh how our EU likes fixing things
For they have indeed a NEW plan,
You might think they thought of better things
Than to give new names to pots of jam!
Sugar content of 51 to 59 per cent
A new name is from them now said,
It isn't "JAM" at all you see,
It is the new delicious "Fruit Spread"
So merrily on the EU Round about,
If only 50% sugar, then I'll be dammed!
With the EU's permission, naturally
It is called, THE "REDUCED SUGAR JAM."
Anne Palmer