Democrat May-June 2014 (Number 141)
EU sparks war in Ukraine

The German-led European Union is backing artillery and aerial attacks on eastern Ukrainian cities by the far-right junta in Kiev.
As part of its geopolitical expansionist plans, Brussels has backed violent far-right protests in Kiev's Maidan Square which began in November and overthrew Ukraine's elected President Viktor Yanukovych in February.
The neo-Nazi paramilitary 'Right Sector' organisation and the openly fascist Svoboda party acted as the vanguard of Maidan protests which has since installed a puppet regime.
The coup government is an alliance of privatising, free market conservatives, anti-semites and fascists. Svoboda holds five ministerial positions, including key posts of Deputy Prime Minister, Defence and Agriculture as well as the Prosecutor General.
The EU has refused to condemn the massacre of over 40 anti-fascists at the hands of Kiev-backed neo-Nazi paramilitaries in the Odessa on 2 May 2014.
The anti-fascist victims, described as 'pro-Russian' in the Western media, had been protesting against the Western-backed coup and were killed when fascists attacked Ukrainian city's trade union centre and set the building on fire.
Those who attempted to escape the flames were gunned down or beaten to death outside. Police did not intervene and Maidan activists prevented fire engines from reaching the scene.
Many Maidan Square protesters are members of the Nazi organisation Ukrainian People's Self-Defence (UNA-UNSO) that have been receiving military training in camps in Estonia since 2006.Many went to fight alongside Georgian forces during their aggression against South Ossetia.. Despite the ongoing state violence, EU foreign ministers plan to send special armed EU police units to assist the junta. This EU gendarmerie has access to armoured personnel carriers and heavy machine guns to carry out a so-called Crisis Management Concept (CMC) mission. Ukraine's puppet 'Prime Minister' Arseniy Yatsenyuk was also a recent a guest speaker at the EU Charlemagne Prize award ceremonies. Ukrainian billionaire oligarch 'president', Petro Poroshenko has announced plans to lead Kiev into a 'security alliance' with the West and to soon sign the economic segment of the EU's Association Agreement.
This agreement demands the implementation of EU austerity measures which will massively increase unemployment and cause dramatic price rises. Kiev has also signed an IMF 'letter of intent', dated April 22, to increase the price of gas for private households by 56 per cent as well as the costs for district heating by 40 per cent. This will hit a Ukrainian population whose average earnings are 150 Euros a month. German monopoly capital is clearly preparing for their economic expansion into Ukraine and for NATO expansion up to the Russian border. However, if Kiev can take control over the east with military means, new conflicts could arise as the interests of expanding German industry will collide with those of Ukrainian oligarchs.