Democrat June 2005 - Editorial by John Boyd (Number 88)
The European Union has no clothes
The French voters and
organisations which brought about a resounding rejection of the EU state
Constitution in defence of democracy must be congratulated and thanked. This
Non! result was despite the French Government, President, TV stations, main
political parties and newspapers, and an avalanche of propaganda all pushing
for a Yes! vote. The pressure included direct illegal interference from the
Commission in the French overseas territories and temporary withdrawal of the
highly unpopular Directive on Services.
This is the second major rebuff
to the plans of the federalists, the first being the Swedish rejection of the
euro. The EU-elite class and federalists will not give up even though they have
a setback for which they arrogantly had not calculated.
It has to be made crystal clear
in the labour and trade union movement that according to international and EU
law the Treaty for a European Constitution is dead and the status quo of the
Nice Treaty stands. The Treaty has to be ratified by all 25 Member States. If one member state rejects the Treaty then
there is no point or need for the process of ratification to continue. There
was no need for the referendum in the Netherlands to take place. The Treaty is dead. There is no rational process by which it can
be amended or resurrected.
Those behind the drive to set up
an EU-state find themselves in a cleft stick. To continue with the Dutch
referendum and get another serious rebuff, or, accept there is no point in
holding the referendum and deliver the coup de gra themselves. Both France and the Netherlands are two of the original six founding members of the European
Economic Community where up until now there has been little EU-scepticism.
The EU-critical movement is
growing across the whole European Union with new organisations representing
different perspectives being set up.
The order in which referendums
were to take place was to put the EU Member States with the weakest No! campaigns
at the start and finish with the strongest. For this reason Britain was put at the end of the queue. The plan, with the Commission's fingerprints all over it was to encourage the domino effect. This has badly backfired.
Until Mr Blair did a U-turn and
announced a referendum in Britain France was
going to push their ratification process through the National Assembly. From
their positions of power both Prime Minister Blair and President Chirac made
profound political mistakes.
One factor in the Non! vote was
the introduction of the Directive on Services vigorously opposed by French
trade unions. The Directive was quickly withdrawn in an attempt to appease the
labour movement but the cat was out of the bag and the debate mushroomed not
only in France but here largely to thanks to labour movement organisations like Trade
Unionists against the EU Constitution and Campaign against Euro-federalism.
This directive clearly signalled
that big capital had a blueprint which undermined all the gains made for
conditions and wages spelt out in national legislation. The directive was to be
enshrined as the ideological aspect of the EU state Constitution.
The link was made between the objectives of big capital and one of the objectives of the EU Constitution.
If the now misnamed ratification
process is continued after the Dutch referendum then it is clear that methods
such as stealth and political bullying will be used to introduce elements of
the EU Constitution. Already the EU Foreign Office has been put in place, steps
made to develop further a European Army with battle groups and to build an
EU-military-industrial-complex. The latter has already been misleadingly
labelled the European Defence Agency (EDA).
Like the old fable the position
has been reached where the European Union has no clothes. The No! vote in France
has caused a much needed debate across the whole continent of Europe and closer critical analysis and inspection of what the EU is really about.
Any attempt to put the EU state
Constitution into place piecemeal must be exposed and stopped which includes
the needless and illegal ratification process. All who support democracy and
their organisations must help ensure the Treaty for a European Constitution is
dead and the secateurs taken to side shoots.