CAEF welcomes and supports 'spiked' campaign to
'Invoke Article 50 Now'
We call on all those who can to join the 5 September demonstration outside Parliament from 16.00 to 18.00

The Alternative for Britain
A CAEF statement on future following BREXIT victory
Lisbon Treaty - Article 50
1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
2. A Member State which decides to withdraw shall notify the European Council of its intention. In the light of the guidelines provided by the European Council, the Union shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with that State, setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union. That agreement shall be negotiated in accordance with Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. It shall be concluded on behalf of the Union by the Council, acting by a qualified majority, after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament.
3. The Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.
4. For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3, the member of the European Council or of the Council representing the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions of the European Council or Council or in decisions concerning it.
A qualified majority shall be defined in accordance with Article 238(3)(b) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
5. If a State which has withdrawn from the Union asks to rejoin, its request shall be subject to the procedure referred to in Article 49.
CAEF Statement on 'Free Movement of Cheap Labour'
This explains in succinct terms the various factors which make up what is blatantly and deliberately misnamed 'immigration'.
EU Counter Summit - Convened by TEAM
TEAM (European Alliance of EU critical Movements - founded 1992)
Saturday 11 June Friends Meeting House Euston Road
Videos of this highly successful EU Counter Summit
and links to speeches can be found belowSpeakers included:
Panel 1 - EU opposition in different countries and experiences with pro-EU scaremongering before EU referendums from Continent of Europe
Lave K. Broch - substitute MEP for Danish People's Movement and TEAM
Brian Denny - -Trade Unionists Against the EU (TUAEU)
Linda Kaucher - Stop TTIP
Jan-Erik Gustavsson - president of the Swedish People's Movement No to EU
Panel 2 - Are there viable alternatives to the EU?
Helle Hagenau - International leader from Nei til EU in Norway
Erna Bjarnadóttir - Heimssyn board member, Iceland and economist
Paul Ruppen - Europa-Magazin, Switzerland
Nauja Lynge - Speaker on the Danish Realm with Greenlandic background
Panel 3 EU foreign policy as a problem for the world and peace?
Marianne Alapini - Speaker on EU foreign policy on Africa
Patricia McKenna - Former Irish Green MEP
Peter Lunenborg - Researcher, Trade for Development Programme
Horst Teubert - German Foreign Policy Group
Kjell Dahle - Former Secretary General - Norwegian Centre Party
Special Guest Speakers included:
David CampbelL-Bannerman MEP - Vote Leave
Gabrielle Peut - Australians against the EU
An Immigrant - Henrik Overgaard Nielson
William Walter - Grassroots Out
Questions and discussion followed each panel
The Counter Summit was chaired by John Boyd and Lave Broch
-----------Jan-Feb Democrat with 16 pages includes:
Dump the Lisbon Treaty by which Britain is ruled
Power Station protests against social dumping
'Grassroots Out' (GO) campaign
What's happened to Britain and
why we must leave the EU - show Cameron the red card
No to Austerity! Develop Trade
A view from Germany and much more
'Grassroots Out' London meeting 19.2.16
CAEF statement/speech
'Grassroots Out' Manchester meeting 5.2.16
Caef statement/speech by John Boyd
The 3 million jobs myth again
The four page sheet issued to millions of households by Britain Stronger in Europe lists Six Key Facts. The first states that: "Over 3 million UK jobs are linked to our trade with the EU – that's one in every ten UK jobs (Source Office for National Statistics (ONS), House of Common Library)"
A representative of BSE campaign admitted just before publication of their sheet that the 3 million jobs are 'linked' to the EU and are not 'dependent' on the EU. The TUC in March 2014 quoted a higher figure by the Centre for Economics and Business Research of 4.2 million jobs dependent on being in the EU of which 1.7 million are in manufacturing. The TUC part funds the CEBR.
The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) says: "Jobs are associated with trade, not membership of a political union, and there is little evidence to suggest that trade would substantially fall between British businesses and European consumers in the event the UK was outside the EU."
See report by the IEA in a pdf file at
[Their further BSE points will be countered]
EU Counter Summit 7 November 2015 - Statement
Democrat September-October 2015 (pdf file)
CAEF joins (p1)
Who is the real enemy? (editorial p3)
Making a profit out of refugees (p5)
20 reasons to leave the EU (p6)
10 lies about the EU (p7)
Exposure of TNC's aim to rule the world (p8)
War is big business (p12)
Democrat July-August 2015 (pdf file)
The Gauntlets are down on EU membership, Refugees and TTIP (p3)
Trade unionists against the EU will take message to TUC(p2)
Germany-France and the euro crisis(p4)
Some myths of trade union rights (pages 6-7)

"The EU a view from the Left" by Kelvin Hopkins (see p9)
Two new important websites
Trade Unionists against EU (TUAEU)
TEAM (The European alliance of EU critical Movements)
CAEF statement [7.7.15]
Greece No! to austerity
Democrat May-June 2015 (pdf file)
Referendum wake up call
What must be done by 'working people'?
"3 million jobs depend on Britain being in the EU." But what is this myth of a figure based on?Democrat March-April 2015 (pdf file)
The General Election and TTIP
Democracy needs to be protected NOW (editorial)
Resistance to the euro and to the EU grows
CAEF AGM Resolutions
NATO and EU's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force
The Capitalist Crisis (Book Review)
Boats across the Meiterranean-------------------------------------
First World War: 100 years of Imperialism and Resistance
A 64 page illustrated pamphlet
Orders can now be made - £2.50 plus 50p postage, cheques payable to 'Democrat Press', PO Box 46295, London W5 2UG
Democrat January-February 2015 (pdf file)
Greece needs the drachma not more structural adjustmentSorting out the General Election
The Ukraine-Minsk agreement shows up splits between Germany, the EU and US
What else is the EU up to?
TTIP protests grow
Poverty in the EU
Old and new lies about EU nailed
People are Desparate
First World War part VI - Crypto Imperialism: parallels with the EU
Democrat September-December 2014 (pdf file)
UKIP - a barrier to unityPast, Present and Future
Scotland's right to self determination
There must be a joined up railway system
(Pamphlet review) Stop TTIP
Keep our NHS public
First World War part V - 1916-1919 Mutinies and Revolutions
Democrat July-August 2014(pdf file)
Mode 4 (EU/India trade pact)
TTIP - Break secrecy around this new treaty
Nations and nation-states versus cryto-imperialism
Gove has gone, free market EU ideology hasn't
Respect for the truth in the West no longer exists
Democrat May-June 2014(pdf file)
EU 3.5 million jobs lie
Don't let the far-right lead
EU sends Battle Group to Africa
CAEF statement on tragic loss of Bob Crow
RMT General Secretary
Collapse of the left in Britain in face of capitalist economic crisis
EU support plummets across Europe
Who's on side of 'hard working people'?
Another secret treaty -
Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA)
Immigration and
"free" movement of labour
[pdf leaflet on immigration]
Corporate Europe
Imperialist EU threatens Ukraine
Independence and free trade
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why the Secret Treaty?
USA-EU Free Trade Agreement
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EU attacks worker's rights
Collapse of the left in Germany in capitalist economic crisis
What they say in the referendum debate

How the EU Operates
Who elects or appoints whom?
Who has powers, who decides and how?
Who controls the eurozone?
How the eurozone money circuit works
The EU and benign globalisation
Germany plans banking union
without a vote
Barroso wants more money for guns and rapid reaction forces
Meet the nEUROn drone
Deutsch Bahn impedes Commemoration Train of transportation of Jews by Nazis
When is a jam not a jam?
The thee-million-jobs-at risk lie
Supporters of greater EU integration, such as the deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, have claimed repeatedly -- on the basis of a 1999 report from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research - that at least three million jobs would be at risk if the UK withdrew from the EU. (The Institute's director, Martin Weale, repudiated that claim and described it a 'pure Goebbels'.) The claim rests on a misunderstanding. Three million British people are involved in exporting products to the EU, but their jobs depend on the continuation of trade, not on continued EU membership. Outside the EU Britain -- like any other services to EU member states. Millions of jobs in China 'depend on exports to the EU', but no one has suggested that China must become an EU member. The three-million-jobs-at-risk lie is 'Euro-centrism gone mad'.
Source: The Hampden Trust - 'Europe' doesn't work
EU attacks wages and
collective bargainingOver 30,000 Belgian protestors marched through Brussels in June against a wage freeze demanded by the European Union.
The mad European Single Market and privatisation
The EU-India Free Trade Agreement will extend the European Single Market which the European Court of Justice is trying to keep secret the deals from those who oppose the FTA but not from business and the transnationals
Also see what we said in 2011 - Stop the EU-India Free Trade Agreement- also know as Mode 4
See the TUC decision in 2011 - TUC opposes Mode 4
Print down the leaflet in PDF format on this issue of Mode 4 and jobs
The Great Eurozone Disaster - From Crisis to Global New Deal
Thatcher and the Supra-State of
a Europe of the Monoplies
'Alternative for Germany'
A new political party
Who would Britain trade with
if Britain left the EU?
Billionaires bailed out by Irish taxpayers
British Library Exhibition - Propaganda, Power and Persuasion ____________________
CAEF - Press Statement - 14 May 2013
The time is ripe where the Left must regroup around the demand to leave the EU. RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has spelt out what must be done where RMT leads the way*. It is time for the left to get everybody in the labour movement off their knees and get the anti-EU position adopted in as many units of the movement as practical. This is an opportune time to muck out the stables, put an end to the austerity policies which emanate from Brussels and demand an in/out referendum on EU membership now.
* see caef facebook [above]
______________CAEF - Press Statement - 3 May 2013
Local election results are a
danger signalFor years the electorate has overwhelmingly opposed Britain's EU membership. The local election results are a clear danger signal. Unless the labour and trade union movement recognise this and return to an anti-EU position the far right will take hold with dreadful consequences. The anti-EU movement must not be confused with right wing political parties who support austerity. The left must take hold of the leadership of this movement and take Britain to a position outside the EU. Britain must have the right to self determination with a government replacing austerity and instead adopt policies and pass legislation for jobs and a manufacturing based economy to create wealth and trade across the world.
Mrs Thatcher's legacy - European Union